Based on the popular toy doll, “Barbie” revolves around the titular character venturing into the real world with her fellow doll, Ken.
The film is classified PG13 with the consumer advice of “Some Sexual References”.
The film contains a few scenes where characters make references to genitals in their conversation. There is also a scene where the bosom of an alternate version of Barbie doll increases in size as she raises her arm; and another scene where a woman is smacked on her bottom by a passerby. The PG13 Classification Guidelines permit “infrequent and non-detailed use of sexual humour or sexual innuendoes…”.
The film also contains some scenes of violence where characters fight with each other, but these are depicted in an exaggerated and comedic manner without any depictions of injury.
There is infrequent use of mild coarse language such as “bitch” and an incomplete utterance of the expletive “mother***ker”.