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Classification Information

Set in Macau in the late 1990s, “Untouchable” revolves around an underground fighter who rises from a gangster to a powerful figure in Macau's underworld. His plans to escape the criminal life with his romantic interest soon culminate in a violent showdown that leaves his fate uncertain. The film is rated NC16 with an advisory of “Some Drug Use and Coarse Language”. The film contains some scenes depicting drug use. These can be contained under the NC16 Classification Guidelines which permit “infrequent and brief depictions of drug and psychoactive substance abuse with moderate details”. The film also contains infrequent use of expletives uttered in dialects which are equivalent to “motherf**ker”. These can be contained under the NC16 Classification Guidelines which permit “infrequent use of strong coarse language”. There are some scenes of violence depicted with bloodletting visible. In addition, there is also a scene where a man slits his wrist with a shard of glass, with bloodletting visible.